Homebound Services
In accordance with the school board policy, Cullman County Schools provides homebound services for those students who are not able to attend school for medical and/or mental health reasons. If a student’s anticipated duration of absence from school exceeds 15 consecutive school days, the student will be eligible for services under the provisions of this policy.
Eligibility for homebound services requires that written documentation from a physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist must be presented to Cullman County Schools prior to consideration for services. In addition, a student may become eligible for homebound services based upon a finding by the appropriate Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Team.
The purpose of homebound instruction is to help students keep up with their work although they are unable to attend school. However, homebound/hospital services are meant as a short-term intervention and do not in any way supplant attendance in a regular school for an extended period of time. Cullman County Schools will provide homebound instruction to students with and without disabilities. To request a referral for homebound services, please contact your child's teacher, school counselor, or administrator.
The Cullman County Schools Homebound Coordinator is Katie Meigs, kmeigs@ccboe.org, 256-739-0486
Homebound Eligibility for All Students
The student must be enrolled in the Cullman County School System and must reside in Cullman County.
The documented medical condition must prevent the student from attending school for a period of fifteen (15) or more consecutive school days from the date of the written homebound recommendation.
A written recommendation for hospital/homebound services from the student’s treating physician must be submitted. Completion of the Treating Physician’s Recommendation for Hospital/Homebound Services form by the child’s treating physician is required.
Only the Treating Physician’s Recommendation for Hospital/Homebound Services form will be included in the homebound plan. No other medical records, photographs of prescription bottles, medical test results, or any other confidential medical information statements should be included in the plan. This information, however, may be kept in the Section 504 Coordinator’s file at the local school.
Cullman County Schools reserves the right to request an updated medical statement when deemed necessary. This statement may be requested when the hospital/homebound services need to be extended beyond the initially approved length of time.
The determination as to whether hospital/homebound services are warranted is a decision that is made by the Section 504 team. In making this determination, full consideration will be given to the written recommendation received from the treating physician. However, a recommendation for hospital/homebound services by a treating physician does not guarantee hospital/homebound placement.
In the event that Cullman County School’s staff determines additional information is needed from the treating physician, the school’s Section 504 team may seek parent/guardian consent for the release of confidential information to permit them to contact the treating physician. Additional information desired from the treating physician may include recommendations that may be implemented to successfully maintain the student in a school environment or facilitate the student’s re-entry to school.
Homebound Services Personnel