
The Maintenance Department is located at 800 Oak Drive North East Cullman, Alabama 35056. You may contact us by phone at (256)736-2480


The primary mission of the Maintenance Department is to serve the needs of students, faculty, and staff by maintaining and improving the physical environment and facilities of Cullman County Schools.

In this role, the Maintenance Department carries out its mission by providing professional support in the areas of Electrical, Plumbing, Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning, Integrated Termite Management, Painting, Welding, Locksmith, Carpentry, Renovations, and Construction. The Maintenance Department is dedicated to improving productivity and effectiveness through more efficient use of time and materials, implementing new technology and equipment, and improving skills through training. It is recognized that the major strengths of the Maintenance Department are the employees and available resources used in the performance of its work.

This is strengthened by the support and commitment of the Administration and the School Board to providing a well-maintained and developed school system. Through this commitment, we can support the academic excellence and educational programs of Cullman County Schools