Mechatronics Seniors
Culinary Arts Seniors
Mrs. Smith presenting certificate to HP Senior
Sergeant Ullery presenting certificate to Cullman High Senior
JROTC Seniors
Mr. Neal presenting HVAC certificate
HVAC Seniors
Mr. Gay presenting Engineering certificate
Engineering Seniors
Mr. Rice presenting Welding certificate to Holly Pond Senior
Mr. Rice presenting Welding certificate to Cold Springs Senior
Welding Seniors
Mr. White presenting Precision Machine certificate to Cullman High Senior
Precision Machine Seniors
Mr. Moore presenting Horticulture certificate to Fairview Senior
Horticulture Seniors
Collision Repair Seniors
Mrs. Flanigan presenting Cosmetology Certifcate
Cosemetology Seniors
Mr. Burkett presenting Carpentry certificate to Holly Pond Senior
Carpenty/Construction Seniors
Mr. Melton presenting Auto Service certificate to West Point Senior
Auto Service Seniors
Collision Repair Seniors
Mr. Billy Troutman, CATA Principal/CTE Director
Mrs. Flanigan from Wallace State presenting articulation awards
Mrs. Diane Barnett, CATA Counselor presenting National Honor Society Awards
National Honor Society Recipients
Good Citizen Award
Good Citizen Award
Good Citizen Award
Good Citizen Recipients
Mrs. Brauer presenting the Ray Brauer Memorial Scholarship to Micheal Huckabee from Fairview High School
Micheal Huckabee